Mar 16
Day 4 – Home on the Range, Don’t Get Skunked in Texas

Mar 15
Day 3 – It’s Flooding in Louisiana
Mar 14
Day 2 – Between Alabama and the Mississippi
Mar 13
Day 1 – Starting Our Way Up to Seattle, WA

Feb 29
A Birthday Trip to Tampa
Friday 02/26/16, we woke up to the delicious scent of breakfast. Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and cheese, toast and fruit. How we are spoiled by our dear friends Jack and Sharon. Thanks guys.
Drew picked us up before 11:00am, to drive down to Brandon FL to surprise Cody (5th child, almost 29 years old) for his birthday. We thankfully had an uneventful trip, and I found that exciting since Han was driving for the first time in six years, and I was a bit nervous. (Yes, he will see this. LOL It is what it is.)
We left our car at the shop to get a few things done. Continue reading
Feb 23
Back on Amelia Island
Monday 02/22/16
We will be back in Fernandina tomorrow. The thought after these almost 6 weeks of travel made me lay awake for a long time last night. Besides my wonderful friends and family, who I love dearly, there is nothing else pulling me back and nothing that I miss.
Is that weird?
I just feel one with the world now, one with nature and home is truly where the deep recesses of my heart lie and that includes the cities where my children live, even if I have never been there before because part of my heart is with them. Continue reading
Feb 21
Completing the Florida Coastline
Everyone woke up kinda somber. We busied ourselves with breakfast and packing the vehicles.
Donna and I will always be friends, but the past few days was not what I had expected or overly enjoyed.
It was just one long awkward weekend.
Han and I decided taking 98 (the coastline road) would be a beautiful drive, however note it is quite a bit longer than going down I-10. We loved it though, with its very winding road, signs posted for bears (sadly never saw one), passed though adorable little villages like Seaside and Apalachicola (we will re-visit those in the near future) and continued on up to Tallahassee, then hit I-10 east. The change over from 98 to I-10 is quite unusual and difficult to find if you are not paying the utmost attention.
Also another little piece of advice: avoid the Burger King in Apalachicola like the plague. Horrible place. I posted this well-deserved review on TripAdvisor.
“Besides the food being barely edible, the staff was SO freaking loud with yelling, laughing, completely acting like idiots and simply illiterate. We left before we finished because I could not take the insanity that was going on between the employees.
They took forever to prepare the food because they were too busy farting around.
What the hell???????
We ate there mid-afternoon on Sunday Feb. 21st.
Whoever owns this piece of crap place should find new employees. >and that is just the beginning”
We drove quite a ways today. Ended up stopping over in Madison FL for the night and tried to get some shuteye.
Feb 20
Destin Florida: Meeting up with Donna
FRIDAY – was a laze around sleep in morning, Han brought me coffee in bed, read for a little while, took a relaxing jacuzzi bath then had some breakfast. Donna arrived around 12:30 and we all took a walk on the beach. We were all hungry so we went to Harbor Docks for dinner. The food was okay but the place was entirely too loud for us and the service truly sucked. I will not be recommending it to anyone.
The rest of the night was spent relaxing.
SATURDAY – we woke up to a beautiful day, ate breakfast and then we took a very long walk along the beach. So relaxing, even though it was a bit windy and the water was not its normal pretty clear blue.
Did a little shopping after we dropped Han off at Starbucks because the condo did not have any internet and he needed to catch up on some sites.
For dinner we ordered in Chinese food and we sat around quietly eating. I was looking forward to playing “Cards Against Humanity” with Donna because I knew it would be fun, but she was not in the mood. I ended up going to bed at 8:00 because I was simply tired from all the traveling.
Feb 18
Leaving Louisiana in the Rearview Mirror
THURSDAY 02/18/16
Woke up this morning and once again began the chore of packing the car for another destination. Hugged the grand kids bye, gave the doggies some pats on the head then headed out for Destin FL.
Our lunch stop was at Piccadilly’s. Besides the fact that some of my foodie friends had been suggesting it to me, I remember dining at a Piccadilly in Gainesville with good memories. Both memories and friends were absolutely correct. I was quite surprised by the quality and taste of a cafeteria style restaurant. Han raved about the fish. Continue reading
Feb 17
A Short Week Near Baton Rouge
Monday: 02/15/16
Monday was so stormy. Phone alerts were going off, thunder and lightening, tornado watches and nervous dogs topped the chaos.
Yes, you may add me to the nervous bunch of animals. It did not let up for quite some time. Tripp and I bonded over today’s storm, since we were reliant on each other company while cowering.
The front and back yard is now a lake. Maranda came home from her job at a local electrical service company and cooked up shrimp chowder with garlic bread. My daughter is one excellent cook. Continue reading
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