We are trying to stay off the interstates, as they bore us both to tears. Now if someone can give me a lesson using the GPS. lol
Our first stopover was Andalusia AL. On the way, traveling on 90, 17 and 84, we saw beautiful rolling hills, farm animals (from horses to rams), stunning plantations, quaint towns, historic districts with very little traffic to deal with.
We made a little side trip to Monticello FL, to check out the plantation home of Thomas Jefferson. There were no signs, so I stopped for a bathroom break and asked some of the locals, which they all looked at me oddly and tried to answer my question, but not able to since Han’s geography of the US failed this time. We did not realize this until we arrived at the hotel and googled it. He is seldom wrong, and when he told me the mistake, I smirked to myself quietly.
On the plus side, had we not gotten “so-called” lost, we would not have had the opportunity to see very charming historic homes, which surrounded a house obviously owned by a prolific hoarder. I was sorely tempted to call the show because it was a perfect specimen and I am sure the very neat neighbors would appreciate it cleaned up, cleared out or burned down. Not sure how the hoarder owners even entered or exited the house, much less lived in it?
Han and I discussed the fact that both of us have gained substantial weight in the past few months, and it is to the thanks of our gracious foodie friends, our hands that don’t know when to stop lifting the fork, our minds thinking on some sort of level that we “deserve” it and that some weight is to be expected upon quitting smoking.

We quit smoking cold turkey together, we can lose weight together!
I will attempt to learn some tips to pass on to others and to keep myself honest, I will post my weight updates occasionally.
The hotel scales grumbled when I stepped on this morning and it read 154 lbs. I now weigh more than I ever have, even at nine months pregnant. This is not a good feeling and I want to be on the road to internal happiness, so here the story begins.

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