Twelve hundred miles is too much for a one day trip so we split up the distance with a half way stopover in Nashville to spend the night with our wonderful friends Ric and Kay.
Starting out in the utmost southeastern corner of Georgia, we drove a different route this time, to avoid at all cost, going through Atlanta. It may look like an hour out of the way, but it really ends up being about the same time due to being stuck in traffic when traveling through Atlanta, and not near as scary.
Yep, from now on, we are skirting around that madcap city and head for Montgomery Alabama in almost a straight line, and north from there.
When we arrived in Brentwood, Nashville, we were tired and hungry and our friends being some of the most amazing hosts ever, had food and wine waiting for us. Might I add, too much wine, and there you go…we had a wonderful time catching up and talked ourselves into exhaustion. But we had not had a drop of alcohol since we left Cuba six weeks earlier and 5 bottles between the four of us was a bit on the steep side.
Kay handed out BC powdered aspirin and water, which we gratefully accepted, took it, then headed off to bed. Believe me when I tell you this, BC is a lifesaver for warding off a hangover or headache from wine. Kay is a retired stewardess from Delta and she knows the tricks of the trade.
Woke up in pretty darn good shape, packed the car, gave hugs and headed out fairly early. (we will be seeing them again soon on the way back)
Arrived safely in Whitehall MI and the hugging ensued. (and the freezing off our butts) My three youngest grandchildren are truly entertaining, precious and I cannot get enough of them. I adore every little hair on their heads. (even the naughty ones)
It was a busy week with Liam turning six on March 31st, even though we did not have the actual party until April 2nd, we had much to do. Jeabet (daughter) and I enjoyed some “us time” when we went shopping.
Han and I slept downstairs with all the taxidermy animals, which there are numerous; Han on an air mattress, myself on the couch and we were quite cozily tucked away.
We mainly stuck around the house and played with the kids or visited with everyone coming and going. Han did some cooking which Greg quite enjoyed, as we all did.
Thursday the 30th Jeabet and I went to Liam’s school to celebrate his birthday with his classmates. Well, that was somewhat mayhem. LOL I was the Pinterest Nonny and had made homemade gift bags to hand out to all his friends and classmates and Jeabet brought mini-cupcakes and juice. Liam’s party theme that he picked out this year was hunting camouflage colors. The party was a big success and my darling boy was beyond happy.
The next day on Friday the 31st (actual birthday) many of the extended family met for lunch to celebrate Ethan’s birthday. Ethan and Liam have the same birthday and he is “Uncle E”. Liam loves him like crazy. Ethan is Liam’s dads younger brother and Greg’s son. Got that? LOL Besides those two, my oldest daughter shares the same birthday. It obviously is a wonderful day for us all.
Lunch was delicious and fun, but difficult to hear others, as it was pretty dang loud in the restaurant.
That evening Han and Greg went out to listen to some music and have some guy fun. Jeabet and I enjoyed the kids, had a mini celebration for Liam, he got to open one gift and we had yummy cupcakes. It was a relaxing, enjoyable evening.
Saturday the 1st, Jeabet’s dad “Dave” arrived from Wisconsin to join in the festivities and be at Liam’s party. The 1st also happens to be Dave’s birthday. We all get along perfectly and had many laughs. We get along so well in fact, that Han and I call Dave’s mom “mom”. She is one outstanding woman and we all love her to pieces. She could not make it, so we all got a turn talking with her via the phone.
I decided to let Liam open all his gifts from Han and I on Saturday, so I could relish his enjoyment and not get lost in the melee of what would be on Sunday party day. His favorite was the hot wheels crash race track. It was actually a favorite for us all, after we figured out how to put the dang thing together. Even Han got down on the floor and played. Seriously, he did. It was “that” fun.
Sunday arrived and the house was in a flurry of activity with cleaning the house, preparing food and decorating.
The party was a super success. The day decided to be sunny and warm, for Michigan at least. Lots of people in the house, having fun, eating, playing, visiting and celebrating our little man of the hour “Liam”. We were all worn the heck out by the time it was over, cleaned up quickly and collapsed in the nearest corner.
April 4th was our departure from Michigan and my precious little ones. We took our time saying our good-byes, and I think we left around 11:30am. Liam cried and Lena said she missed us as soon as we left. Makes my heart sing.
I was barely down the road and already missing them.
It makes me tired reading all the things y’all are doing. It’s great y’all are enjoying it so much. Be careful.