Got up this morning to high tail it out of town, destination “Whitehall, MI”.
May 02
May 2 – A Week to Rest in Whitehall, Michigan
Apr 25
April 25 – Catching Up with Dave and Mom Pat
Today we checked out late from the motel in Lake Geneva, drove around some so Han could take pictures, drove into Twin Lakes to see our friends lake front cottage (it is beautiful) and then began our very short trip into Kenosha, Wisconsin.
For old times sake, as I had previously lived in Kenosha for 11 years, we stopped at the Brat Stop to have lunch.
Not the best restaurant if you don’t eat meat. We both had Caesar Salad and shared a side of fries. The fries may well be the best in the world. Continue reading
Apr 24
April 24 – Re-Creating More Memories From Previous Lovely Ones
We were able to be lazy and take our sweet time in the morning because our next stop was only about 90 minutes away. We are re-visiting Woodstock IL, where we were married 10 years ago in May. Han and I kept trying to get it right with others and we felt we finally did when we met each other, so we married in the gazebo where they filmed Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. We loved the idea and figured it fitting. I even purchased my gown in Woodstock.
We had our reception and honeymoon at an outstanding B&B called Alexandria House and loved every second of our festivities. The innkeeper was exceptional and it was all a fairy tale beginning to a fun interesting life together. Continue reading
Apr 23
April 23 – Looking Back Does No Good, but Take The Time to Be Thankful
This morning as we were getting packed we learned via Facebook that a previous neighbor, wonderful person and friend succumbed to her sickness and passed away yesterday. It tore through my heart as we finished packing the car and got on the road. Really worried about her dedicated, loving husband.
On the way out of town we crossed the Mormon Bridge and drove into Iowa.
The wind immediately started kicking up, shoving the car around and making it difficult to drive. My arms were getting fatigued holding it on the road, so Han suggested going some of the back roads. We went through an extremely rural area of Iowa, roads up and down like a rollercoaster and sharp corners to add to the excitement. Guess what? The wind was about the same but at least there was very little traffic and no semi’s, so it was all good, however it took us a bit longer. Good thing we are not in a hurry anymore. Continue reading
Apr 22
April 22 – Omaha Nebraska Small Town Ambiance with Big City Attractions

Apr 21
April 21 – Buffalo Wild Bill Cody Fort Began Our Fun-Filled Day of History

Apr 20
April 20 – Today We Hit The Highest Elevation On This Trip
Today Hit The Highest Elevation Experienced During Our entire Trip across the USA. How high? 8640 feet. 5280 Feet is ONE MILE so this is 1.64 miles up in the air! Thin air!
Apr 19
April 19 – Thought The Largest Mountains Were Behind Us?

Apr 18
April 18 – Seeing Idaho on the Fly

Apr 17
April 16 and 17 – The Oregon Columbia River Gorge is a Magical Journey

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