It’s A Wonderful Life – Stepping Back in Time

Book Nook Montague

The Book Nook in Montague

Last night we decided to pull the sleeper couch out and Han being a gentleman, decided he would sleep on it. Due to interior heat, we have both been snoring like hybernating bears. A little distance between us is necessary at this time if we want to have a good nights sleep. LOL

We explored Montague today by car. It is snowing heavily. Stepped into a store called the “Book Nook” and it was the perfect start of our day.
A book store with plenty of books to peruse while enjoying a glass of (morning) wine and listening to an impromptu concert of classical music on a baby grand piano. I purchased four books since my Nook has recently died on me.

For lunch we stepped back in time and strolled into “Lipkas Old Fashion Soda Fountain”. I expected to see a young Jimmy Stewart come through the doors at any moment, however we did speak with a local gentleman named “Jim” who was intrigued by our travel stories as much as we were intrigued by his life stories. He said it made him reevaluate some of his decisions to stay in one place, but being vagabonds is not for everyone we told him. He was very pleasant and had we had more time we would have loved to visit longer.
Also chatted with the owner who has worked there like forever, since her father purchased the building in 1952. She even has his suit hanging on the coat rack that he was wearing when he signed the papers and received the keys. Seeing and hearing the history was relaxing and most enjoyable. They even had an antique scale that weighed and gave you your fortune, when you put a penny in your birth month slot. I ignored the steadily rising of numbers and just focused on the extremely accurate fortune which read, “tear away from routine and hum-drum”. In the midst of that right now thank you very much. ha ha

When we arrived back to the Inn, it was jacuzzi time because it was cold and it was till snowing. Things to love: fire blazing while relaxing in a warm jacuzzi while watching it snow with a view of the lake.

We really loved the Weathervane Inn, and the weather was a bit iffy with the heavy snowfall, so we figured it would be nice to extend out stay. We asked at the front desk yesterday if it would be possible to extend our stay for the special daily price that we originally received and the answer was no. Now mind you, the Inn was fairly empty, so I figured they would appreciate the extra nights. The evening front desk person was simply not friendly nor had she been any of the times before, when asked a question. I will say the rest of the staff was lovely.
So tonight I took to Facebook. Keep in mind, Facebook is a valuable tool if used correctly. I mentioned on the Inn’s page how much “we loved the Inn and really wanted to stay longer but our offer was turned down by the front desk, but that we appreciated everything and would be back in the future.”
Literally less than a 1/2 hour later, we received a phone call asking if we were still wanting to stay longer and a knock on the door shortly thereafter with updated paperwork to sign. Oh yeah, go me!
So we are staying two more nights. Love the power of the internet.

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