August 19 – Delightful Pleasant Heidelberg Germany

Heidelberg SchneeballenSlept in and it was fabulous. We even missed breakfast. We finally got our lazy butts out the door, had a quick lunch at next door restaurant and jumped on the bus into town square.
I immediately wished we had spent more time here and not elsewhere in less unsavory places.
Simply charming, historical, interesting, beautiful, friendly and enjoyable is Heidelberg.
The public transport is very easy to figure out and clearly marked. Plenty of eateries and stores to choose from, even a health food store. Ice-cream and gelato shops outnumber everything else. The churches even have signs to not bring ice-cream inside. Not sure why it is exceptionally popular here?

One of the most unique sights is the Bridge monkey. It sits inside the city wall next to the stone bridge and attracts a lot of attention. I stopped by the tourist office and they sweetly printed me out the history in english. Next to the Castle in the Hillside, the monkey and the bridge might be the most photographed site in Heidelberg. The monkey was placed there to remind people, inside or outside of the wall, that everyone is equal.
As we were standing admiring the bridge, I had mentioned to Han about needing a bathroom. Well I needed it quicker than he could keep up with me darting away. Once I arrived back, Han was in a bit of a tizzy because he did not know where I disappeared to. Hey, when nature calls, you answer! LOL
We bought a dessert to share after dinner called a “Schneeballen” which is strips of airy dough, rolled into a supersized baseball and adding multiple deliciously tasting concoctions, like a round dense doughnut. Very sweet, fattening and half of one was plenty for each of us. We enjoyed the tangy glazed lemon filling later that evening.
We strolled the town, enjoyed the wonderful sights and sounds, shopped a little (I did), had an early Thai dinner and just had a lovely relaxed day. We were back in our hotel room by 6:00pm to ready ourselves for our trip back to the Netherlands where we will be enjoying our farewell visit with Marlies and Eef. (Han’s brother and his wife).

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