June 26 – This Peter Pan Found Never, Never Land, Down Under

The Salzburg CastleHan and I had the greatest night’s sleep. We blasted the airco and snuggled down under the blanket.
We had some coffee, packed up, met up with Niki and Mia and got on our way.
We decided to be simple and cheap today, which led us to McDonalds for breakfast. Now if anyone knows Han, they know he abhors fast food but besides the prices and name, the EU and American fast food places have NOTHING in common. The food taste so much better here and I can only figure it is better quality, it does not make my stomach queasy either. The interior is ultra fancy compared to state side joints.
After breakfast we began our short trip to the Salt Mines. I had no idea what to expect but surely could have never imagined what was to come.
Today was a little cooler and drizzly. Great day for an indoor activity.
When you arrive the first thing you get a set of warmer clothes, with a padded type material on the butt and legs area, and you put these on over your clothes. I was wearing a skirt, so was a little awkward. Brown pants, white jacket, ready to cook up a meal in the kitchen.  Looked like chef’s clothing.
We walked out onto a deck, went down two flights of stairs and then were instructed to straddle long metal planks to sit on while the train engine takes you into the salt mine. Everyone gets cozy real quick on this 5 minute trip through darkness.
You do not want to reach out or lean over because you might lose a body part on the side of the tunnel. Once the train stops, you step off and begin walking even further into the mine. By that time, I was becoming slightly claustrophobic but shook it off fairly well. We watched a film that was informative and also humorous.
As you proceed through the tunnels, you gain more knowledge via the short movies and tour guide, and it kept young and old very entertained. We actually passed the border with Germany twice in those tunnels.
saltmine slideWe came upon a wood slide, but not like any slide you have ever seen or would imagine. I was very unsure of it because I thought I might tumble to the side, but it works perfectly and safely. It was quite exciting and funny. The picture they took of me at the very beginning, I looked terrified, and I probably was, but by the time I got to the bottom I was laughing to tears and wanted to go again. The pants they gave us to wear has extra fabric on the back to make you slide easier and reduce the heat friction.And then of course Han’s weight gave us the extra push.
It’s shaped kinda like a bowling ball return. You lean slightly back and zip on down.
Then we stepped onto a boat in a huge cave that would take us across one of the natural salt ponds inside the cave, but also had soft music and lights, which added nice atmosphere.
We luckily were able to slide down once again and this time it was even longer and more exhilarating. I think some of the other guest thought I might be a loon. Hey, I am Peter Pan at heart.
The end of our tour came too quickly. We climbed back on the train to make our trip back to the surface.
We also received a teeny tiny container of salt. I love miniature items.
Thanked the guide, took off our unusual outfit and headed to the gift shop.
I have always wanted a salt lamp since seeing them at the Ritz Carlton Spa on Amelia Island, but the price was too psychologically burdensome. I purchased one here in the exact same size for just Euro 15.00. Now to get it home safely will be the next task.
I know our group ranged from five to at least 79 (a nice French couple Han was talking to) and everyone was able to participate, so it makes an outstanding activity for the entire family. And very informative of the importance of salt for the wealth that the city of Salzburg portrays.
Back on the highway we had a late lunch and crazy enough, we just decided, partly because of Mia’s desire, McDonalds would do fine again. Weird for us but it was good.
The car ride home seemed a little longer because we were all tired. Niki dropped us off at the house, Mia went back to her mommy, car got returned and we ended up in the downstairs home theater watching “The Martian”.
I thought it was pretty darn good, check it out some time.




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