My Bucket List

Here is an insight into TJ’s ever changing Bucket List:

For fun, I have been perusing bucket lists online, and I realize how thankful and fortunate I am because so many of the other listed bucket items are things I have actually done, before even writing my own list.
My “been there, done that” list is quite extensive, and I never want to take for granted all the beautiful opportunities that life has to offer.
From skydiving, polar bear plunge in the Great Lakes, extra in a movie, driving the US from east to west, living on an island, traveling Europe, singing to an audience, to finding in this “sea of people” the love of my life.
I have created so many more memories and experiences, and I can only hope that life bestows upon me the time to continue adding to my bucket list and the ability to check them off.
• Whitewater Rafting
• Go on Train Vacation with a Stateroom “DONE” (however more like a bunk room, and slept like a baby)
• Place a Lock on the Bridge of Locks in Paris “DONE” (went there, but locks are no longer allowed)
• Learn to play a Ukulele – IN THE PROCESS – HAVE UKES – but don’t think I can learn it. Tried however.
• Hike part of the Appalachian Trail –
• Go to Cuba “DONE” (my favorite place of yet, in the world)
• Own a real Louis Vuitton “DONE” (however decided upon a fake one, too much for real ones)
• Learn to speak Spanish
• Walk among penguins
• Live in a small shack on a tropical beach
• Take a vow of silence for one week and succeed
• Kayak in Greenland
• See Jesse James burial ground (He is an ancestor of mine, as is Mary the Queen of Scotland, believe it or not)
• Be on any show on the HGTV Channel Network
• Go on a fishing expedition
• A Gondola ride in Venice “DONE” (it was quite charming)
• Bike the Natchez Trace Trail from Nashville TN to Natchez MS
• Be debt free – DONE
• Be brave enough to fly in a hot air balloon – I JUMPED OUT OF A PLANE, SO WHY NOT
• Write my book
• Get a wrist tattoo
• Obtain a healthier weight – in the process 22lbs down, 5 more to go
• Sleep in Cinderella’s Castle